"These violent delights have violent ends,
and in their triumph die,
like fire and powder,
which as they kiss, consume"
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Bones , flesh and something in the middle ...
When I close my eyes , the confessional of my life lets it's mantle to play between my eyelashes . And as the game is on , as the clothing is keep pushimg my skin close to my bones I see the only truth I kmow . The only truth a human can discover alone . And the truth is nothing more than the sweetest lie which is well wrapped in evidence . I was trying to taste the sweetest parts of this truth , while I was aware of the dangers , of the dillusions that this unkept seceret was hiding , I let it get under my skin , into my veins and finally run into the cannals of my heart .This chemichal poison of the reality , when I close my eyes is healed , and the poison becomes wine , red as pure blood .Then the wine intoxicates my heart and the dillusions come to take me from the hand . In my world , somewhere among the dreams , I see my essence .This unique potion is hidden like a treasure , and some of us give everything to find it , some others just let time show . But to say the truth , rarely we the people appreciate it and recognise it's use .That's why the vampires are always ironic with us .They have tasted this essence , they have lost it once .That's why they steal it in order to take it back , but when you loose somehting you have to know that you will never take it vack with the way you had it . Where is my essence ? I don't know , but every night when I am free of anything material I go to a place way much higher , locked inside me to discover this secret . So until the day that I discover the idea laid in my soul , I will be living , loving and smiling . With only weapon my breathe I will win in the end because I am free aren't I ?